Title: The Land of Lightning's: 905,000 SP Title: The Hot Water Village's: 995,000 SP Support: Sasuke (Chidori, Kirin): 640,000 SP Support: Naruto (Rasengan, Rasen Shuriken): 620,000 SP Pray at the statue inside to unlock the alternate costume.Ĭollect the indicated amount of SP to unlock the corresponding bonuses.Ĭharacter: Minato (Fourth Hokage): 580,000 SPĬharacter: Naruto (Rasen Shuriken): 300,000 SPĬharacter: Naruto (Sage Mode): 520,000 SP Return to Mount Myoboku and go upstairs into the house. After you beat the game and you notice that you are getting close to the points needed to unlock the Points Tycoon Achievement go to free battle and pick which one you want to do and keep playing the Free Battle until you get up to 999999 points. | Submitted by JoshHall